Painting therapy
In painting there is the movement of the body, the effect of the paint, the concentration on the moment, away from self-observation and cognitive thought patterns – something can be formulated that is far more than what we can comprehend and that works on other levels – that which cannot be put into words and can also be regenerated in the unconscious.
Understanding, feeling and shaping. Bring about change – in harmony. Achieving balance. Formulate dreams and wishes. Feeling lightness… clarity.
© Picture/Foto: Steffi Düsterhöft, Gouache on paper 100×70 cm
Accompanied painting
Person-oriented painting therapy
During the painting therapy sessions, space is created for new feelings, thoughts and actions – by focusing on the painting and at the same time by listening, mirroring, reflecting, stimulating, accompanying and intervening in its realization. Confidence and self-efficacy can grow.
Find your own strength and clarity and develop perspectives and solutions in a safe environment.
By painting without expectations or goals, we encounter ourselves in a different way. Our perception is refined and the essential becomes recognizable, that which attracts us and gives us strength. We become aware of ourselves and our needs and connect with ourselves.
Feeling and thinking influence our actions and what we present to the outside world, which in turn influences other actions and feelings. Likewise, everything that surrounds us has an influence on us. Shapes, colors, scents, language, light, actions, traditions and freedoms, patterns in perception, thinking and acting.
Creativity nourishes us, it creates space for being and encourages us to feel new experiences, while doing things with our hands transmits a groundedness and stability that slowly affects us and creates a new feeling with us in our surroundings. Like a framework for us that can change with us and transform us. Our creativity is set in motion without effort.
Consistency arises from the connection between the inner core and an overarching clarity, from which an image slowly grows and enters the visible space – a formulation that is formed, a new feeling that is created, information that is in connection with us. We can choose where our attention goes and what can grow in our lives, which energy we connect with and develop with.
"We paint in the same way we live our lives."
Bettina Egger
Freeform PaintingTM Project
Freeform PaintingTM Project
The Freeform PaintingTM project arose from the impulse to create an easily accessible form in order to come into contact with the effectiveness of this special form of conscious painting and to bring it closer to many people.
Galerie erstererster is making its pleasant premises available for this purpose for four days. Its large windows provide light and open up access to the otherwise hidden painting process. This atmosphere – with the highly pigmented, extremely finely ground paint from the Swiss company Lascaux – offers a sensual experience for the painters. As host and coach, I create the space for non-judgmental, mindful activity.
The set-up is uncomplicated and flexible.
– 4 sessions max. 6 people per session
– can be booked individually
A contribution of 15 euros towards the materials is welcome.
Participation after registration – on a “first come first serve” basis.